County residents had a lot of questions this week as Lee’s Famous Chicken Recipe, a business that has been operating in Blount County for over 40 years, unexpectedly closed on Monday.
The owners said someone may buy the restaurant and reopen.
What are the odds?
The Tennessee Department of Transportation and City of Alcoa will host a public information meeting seeking input on the Hall Road Corridor Study.
The meeting will be:
Tuesday, July 30, 2024.
From 5-7 p.m.
at the City of Alcoa service Center
725 Universal Street
Alcoa Tn 37701
The meeting will present preliminary traffic and safety findings and seek public input for the corridor.
It will be an open house with a formal presentation starting at 5:30 p.m. The public will have the opportunity to give feedback through mapping exercises after the presentation.
The goal of this project, according to a release from the city of Alcoa, is to address the overall traffic and safety concerns along the 1.9-mile section of Hall Road between Associates Boulevard and the Alcoa/Maryville city limit.
For questions, contact Dakota Gentry by email at, or by phone at 865-380-4829.
A Maryville chef has been accused of shoplifting meat from a Knoxville grocery store to serve at his restaurant, according to court records.
On Thursday, Clement Milanzi was taken into custody on a charge of theft of merchandise between $2,500 and $10,000, at the Kroger located on the 9500 block of Northshore Drive in Knoxville, a general sessions docket said.
Milanzi then allegedly drove to Joe’s Italian Cuisine in Maryville where he was seen carrying the stolen items into the back door of the restaurant...
detectives discovered that there had been more thefts at an Aldi location, an Ingles store in Lenoir City and a Food City in Maryville
Hard times?
When Blount County and others bid to get a gun manufacturer to move to the pastoral community near Louisville, TN, they apparently promised better roads. However, they did not include the City of Louisville Mayor and Aldermen in the plans. Now that the plans are being made open to Louisville residents and administration, they are not finding the plans acceptable.
A resolution condemning the project, passed unanimously by the Louisville Board of Mayor and Aldermen April 9, claims the road work would negatively impact neighboring residential areas and eliminate access to businesses and the Louisville Post Office.
Jeff Muir, director of communications for the Blount Partnership [chamber of commerce?], said the proposed work came from planning for trucks from Smith & Wesson to safely share the road with other traffic, and to accommodate the additional stream of employees.
The problem, [Mayor Pugh] said, is Louisville has less than 5,000 residents. That means it doesn’t qualify for its own representation when planning transportation projects like this.
Wow, who knew local residents were not being informed of changes to their community? Hah, TDOT knew. Blount County administrators, City of Alcoa administrators, the county chamber of commerce all probably knew. They all seemed to not care how changes affect local citizens and the smaller communities.
There’s further confusion over who requested the improvements.
So far, nobody's admitting to requesting the changes. The Mayor of Louisville has to request a copy of the TDOT project application.
Jeff Muir, director of communications for the Blount Partnership [chamber of commerce?] Said, "TDOT has ownership of Louisville Road and the department can modify the road as it wishes", which is "part of the deal brokered to bring the firearm manufacturer to Blount County." "No one filed an application for the work, he said."
The previous Louisville Mayor apparently knew about some of these road changes.
The current Louisville Mayor, Ms. Pugh, would "like TDOT to conduct a noise pollution study and wants to know if an environmental impact study has taken place. She’d also like to see estimated traffic counts for the road."
Seems reasonable.
Does it seem like the local governments and chamber of commerce ran right over the small town of Louisville and its residents? I guess they really wanted a gun manufacturer in our midst.
2024 Presidential Preference Primary & Knox County Primary Election
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
EARLY VOTING: Wednesday, February 14 to Tuesday, February 27, 2024 (excluding Sundays)
Election Day: Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Sample Ballot - For the Democratic Ballot, go to Page 2, Columns 2 & 3
(I'm certainly glad that Democrats don't have to vote for Presidential Delegates. What a waste of time.)
New voting machines. Hart Intercivic, Verity electronic machines with printed ballot. Blount County is using these same machines for the first time. There is a youtube videos at the Election Commission site showing how the machines can be used.
Blount County Election Commission
Foothills Mall Monday - Saturday / 10 am - 6 pm
197 Foothills Mall Drive
Maryville, TN 37801
Blount County Public Library Monday - Friday / 11 am - 7 pm
Sharon Lawson Room
508 North Cusick Street
Maryville, TN 37804
Everett Gym Monday - Friday / 11 am - 7 pm
318 South Everett High Road
Maryville, TN 37804
Pellissippi Campus Monday - Friday / 8 am - 4 pm
2731 West Lamar Alexander Parkway
Friendsville, TN 37737
Providence Baptist Church Annex Monday - Friday / 11 am - 7 pm
5766 Sevierville Road
Seymour, TN 37865
The Sunday edition of the Daily Times will now only be online, e-edition.
The Saturday edition of the Daily Times will return to home delivery, printed edition.
The Daily Times will be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service, i.e. no paper delivery persons any more. Thus, your paper may be delivered in the evening, as it will be for us.
I'm just happy there is still a local newspaper. I hope they continue to deliver the local news.
Amazon's new facility in Rockford "is three million sq. ft. of boxes, products, and conveyer belts..."
They claim to have "more than 1,000 full-time associates working in this facility..."
It "has the ability to crank out seven million packages a week..."
"The facility houses between four and five thousand robots that help sort, pick and ship these packages."
"The building has five floors with close to 16 miles of conveyer belts and can move up to one million packages a day."
Blount County Mayor Ed Mitchell said, “They’ve been dealing with construction for quiet a few years but the end result is this beautiful building.”
Well, I've seen the building and I can't say it is a beautiful thing. What was beautiful was the golf course that it replaced. Whatever, hopefully it is a good addition to the community.
Blount County government contracted with consultants at S&ME to work on a new comprehensive growth study... the consultants said their goal is to discover community concerns and hopes about the county’s future. ... Sarah Sinatra, principal planner for Inspire Placemaking Collective (previously with S&ME), is overseeing the study for S&ME.
The Blount County Comprehensive Plan 2023 is the overarching, visionary document that guides future growth and development within Blount County. The County is currently updating the Plan to more adeptly address the issues and opportunities facing the community.
We are asking the public to assist the County's planning team in understanding the community preferences and desires for the future.
Open houses for the public to listen and contribute to the future of Blount County:
Monday, August 21, 2023
Time: 4-7 PM
Heritage High School
3741 E Lamar Alexander Parkway
Maryville, TN 37804
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Time: 4-7 PM
William Blount High School
219 County Farm Road
Maryville, TN 37801
On the Blount County Comprehensive Plan 2023 website, you can also:
* Share your ideas on an Interactive Map
* Vote for your Future Vision of Blount County
* Participate in a brief Survey regarding our County
AUGUST 17 & 31 & SEPTEMBER 14, 2023
6 - 9 pm
Admission FREE!
Food vendors will be availableon site for food purchases
A free summer concert series held during the months of August and September in Springbrook Park.
The construction of the new Publix in Blount County is finishing up. We are told they will be opening October 10, 2023.
We look forward to Publix opening. Hopefully they'll be beneficial to the Foothills Mall staying open.
However, "Blount school board approves $4.2 million for Heritage, William Blount artificial turf." And, just an FYI, the project was delayed because the school board originally did not put the project out for bids. The same company got the job, before and after the bid process.
They have $4.2 million for artificial turf but not $2.1 million for the general schools budget. Ah, priorities.
"The City of Alcoa filed a lawsuit Thursday, June 22, against Blount County over how county schools are spending millions of dollars in property taxes."
"The Alcoa Board of Education passed a revised 2023-24 budget on Tuesday, June 20, that cuts staff raises and includes revenue estimates it isn’t banking on."
"The revised budget also increases estimated sales tax revenue by $600,000 from what the school board passed last month, with $421,225 just to cover a state requirement that local funding show a “maintenance of effort” from the previous year.
“We had to add more revenue — that we’re not going to get — to meet maintenance of effort,” ACS Finance Director Tom Shamblin told the board."
Huh. Is that generally accepted accounting principles?
Blount County government and Blount Memorial Hospital having been going at it for months now including lawsuits. Blount Memorial wanted to sell some properties. Blount County says can't without county approval.
"Blount Memorial brought a suit against the county last year, seeking both political independence and the right to sell certain assets in order to secure cash."
Update: Blount County Commission got the State of Tennessee to change a law enabling the county to "contract with hospital operators other than Blount Memorial Inc., which has managed Blount Memorial since the 1940s. The county also contends it owns the hospital and all related assets, a claim hospital leadership vehemently disputes."
"Blount Memorial’s board of directors authorized suing the county government in federal court... "Blount Memorial counsel LaJuana Atkins said that the new law represents a violation of both the state constitution and the U.S. Constitution."
The City of Maryville was making plans to build a hotel on city property only to find out Mayville City Schools owns the property and they don't want to sell.
The City of Alcoa wanted to annex some property. Blount County contested the annexation. Blount County won to some extent when it was determined that some of the property could not be annexed. Then, most recently, someone new purchased said property and decided not to develop it and wants it deannexed.
June, 8, 2023, City of Alcoa water is brown in the Hunt Road area or more. Be careful. City representative said a water line broke. They are working on it. No time as to when it will be fixed. They said no sense in flushing our pipes until they are done and have flushed main pipes. But, they don't know when it will be fixed and don't know how they would inform us as to when it was fixed.
This happened less than a year ago, August 4, 2022.
The water was brown for 6 or so hours.
The City of Alcoa really needs to find a way to inform citizens of utility problems, especially if it is going to happen more frequently.
After 30 years, Glenstone Galleries and Gifts is closing. The building has been sold. No report as to what will be next for the location.
After 50 years in Alcoa, McClurg's Decorating Center (flooring) has closed. An auto repair business will move into the building.
- Alcoa Schools close for teacher shortages (1 reply)
- City of Alcoa's costly wish list for Alcoa Highway. (1 reply)
- Blount County coronavirus cases at 39,189 as of 4/23/2022 (1 reply)
- Blount County coronavirus cases at 39,079 as of 4/2/2022 (1 reply)
- Blount County coronavirus cases at 38,344 as of 2/12/2022 (1 reply)
- Blount County coronavirus cases at 33,274 as of 1/22/2022 (2 replies)
- Blount County coronavirus cases at 26,253 as of 1/03/2022 (1 reply)
- Blount Memorial at record high for COVID-19 hospitalizations (1 reply)
- Blount County coronavirus cases nearly 16,000 as of 07/12/2021 (3 replies)
- Blount County coronavirus pandemic numbers (2 replies)
- The City of Alcoa's uncontrolled and costly development (2 replies)
- Alcoa City Schools opened Wednesday, July 22nd (1 reply)
TN Progressive
- Do Not Listen to Deranged Fascists Who Can Barely Read (RoaneViews)
- Must Read (RoaneViews)
- It's Time to Call For the Arrest of Elon Musk! (RoaneViews)
- Books (RoaneViews)
- (Whitescreek Journal)
- Lee's Fried Chicken in Alcoa closed (BlountViews)
- Alcoa, Hall Rd. Corridor Study meeting, July 30, 2024 (BlountViews)
- My choices in the August election (Left Wing Cracker)
- July 4, 2024 - aka The Twilight Zone (Joe Powell)
- Chef steals food to serve at restaurant? (BlountViews)
- Blount County, TDOT make road deal for gun mfg ignoring town of Louisville,TN, (BlountViews)
- Winter at the Big Rocks (Whitescreek Journal)
TN Politics
- Tennessee Gov. names mix of officials, utilities and conservationists to Duck River advisory group (TN Lookout)
- Stockard on the Stump: Sexton and bail bond industry headed for collision (TN Lookout)
- Pain clinics made millions from ‘unnecessary’ injections into ‘human pin cushions’ (TN Lookout)
- Republican Senator says immigrant students won’t be blocked from public schools in Florida (TN Lookout)
- Lawsuit: Tennessee DCS took kids after traffic stop without a valid court order (TN Lookout)
- Tennessee governor revives farm conservation bill with $25 million fund (TN Lookout)
Knox TN Today
- Lady Vols secure much-needed SEC win (Knox TN Today)
- Book now to vacation at a TN state park (Knox TN Today)
- HEADLINES: 2/14 (Knox TN Today)
- Tom Harrington hikes Porters Creek: Finds February wildflowers (Knox TN Today)
- Coughing and Nikki Giovanni (Knox TN Today)
- Dining Duo finds gem in The Chow Hall (Knox TN Today)
- Pet events and tips from HSTV (Knox TN Today)
- Protecting against radon health risks (Knox TN Today)
- Knox the Fox shops RVs (Knox TN Today)
- Registration open for Irwin/ Food City Bass Tournament (Knox TN Today)
- Looking for Bigfoot (Knox TN Today)
- Fun Abe (Knox TN Today)
Local TV News
- New program brings Knox County Trustee's Office to elderly, disabled residents (WATE)
- Slow drainage in Knox County neighborhood has residents fearing floods (WATE)
- Two charged after laptops stolen from state government office in Knoxville (WATE)
- Steady population growth fueling new developments in Loudon County (WATE)
- Knoxville pizzeria makes USA Today's 2025 Restaurants of the Year list (WATE)
- Knox County School Board chair defends support for school vouchers after backlash (WATE)
- Young KY mom no longer facing threat of execution in 2023 death of toddler daughter (WBIR)
- Megan Boswell Trial Day 6 | Crime lab experts testify (WBIR)
- Covenant Health Park gears up for dual sports action with quick field conversion (WBIR)
- WBIR, UT resolve lawsuit over public records access to ORNL operating agreements (WBIR)
- Here are the 14 Big Lots stores staying open in Tennessee (WBIR)
- Heart of the Matter: Blount County Sheriff James Berrong (WBIR)
News Sentinel
State News
- Michelle Maples Obituary - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- UTC women dominate on road for season sweep of Mercer - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Lady Vols share scoring load, overwhelm Auburn in runaway win - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Federal agency plans to sell some Tennessee buildings - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
Wire Reports
- Retail sales slumped 0.9% in January, down much more than expected - CNBC (Business)
- SoCal hit by mudslides, flooding as powerful storm slams region - ABC7 Los Angeles (US News)
- Trump ordered to temporarily lift USAid freeze and allow foreign aid funding - The Guardian US (US News)
- Danielle Sassoon: Flurry of resignations after DOJ tells prosecutors to drop Eric Adams case - (US News)
- Taiwan pledges chip talks and investment to mollify Trump - Reuters (Business)
- Stock Market Today: Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq Set to Open Down; Trump Tariffs; Intel, Nvidia, Tesla, Airbnb, More Movers - Barron's (Business)
- Moderna Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Results and Provides Business Updates - Moderna Investor Relations (Business)
- Walmart Is Retail King Again. Can It Keep the Crown? - The Wall Street Journal (Business)
- Whiskey Offers Window Into the Pain of a Trade War - The New York Times (Business)
- Swing-district Republicans are questioning Mike Johnson’s budget - POLITICO (US News)
- MSC 2025: Conference opens as US pushes to end Ukraine war - DW (English) (US News)
- TikTok returns to Apple App Store and Google Play in US - The Guardian (Business)
- Thousands of probationary employees fired as Trump administration directs agencies to carry out widespread layoffs - CNN (US News)
- Trump delays a sweeping reciprocal tariff plan as global markets rally - Euronews (US News)
- Macron says only Ukrainian President Zelenskiy can negotiate peace for his country - Reuters (US News)
Local area websites:
Blount DemsMC Democrats
Raven Society
League of Women Voters
Wendy Pitts Reeves
Stop Alcoa Parkway
Knox Dems
TN Clean Water Network
TN Dems
Government websites:
Blount CountyCity of Alcoa
City of Maryville
State of Tennessee
TN Code Annotated
TN General Assembly
Media websites:
Maryville Daily TimesKnox News Sentinel